Friday, January 8, 2010

Fifth Grade Poetry

Click on the comments to this post (lower right) to read poems submitted by fifth grade students. These poems were written for reading class.


  1. Dogs

    Dogs come in colors,
    Black, white, brown and yellow
    Dogs are also different patterns,
    Spotted,blended,or plain
    Dogs have even different tail ways,
    Straight,curved,or curly
    Dogs may even slobber,
    Dogs even have names
    Fido,Pinky,even Buster!
    Dogs may have favorite colors
    Pink,blue,mabey red
    Dogs even have favorite snacks
    Bones,fruits,veggies,even shoes
    But what MY dog likes for a snack,
    A big,fat,crunchy,chewy,tasty,
    MILK BONE!!!

  2. The roller coaster

    I remember whaen i was 4. It was my first time at 6 flages! My mom driving along time. Seeing all the big roller coasters.Smelling all the good food, like hot dogs, popcorn, pizza and my favort coton candy. Playig 4 games, i wanted to play 6. Those bees buzzing. and finally we were at the roller coaster!I was a little nervous my mom went on with me. I screamed the hole time on. When it was over i went on again!

  3. I remember summer so nice
    Jacob #509
    I remember summer so nice
    with the sun that would shine so yellow and bright
    with fireflies that light up the night
    with the moon and stars so bright
    on the coal black sky to darken the night
    to the glistening dust by the suns bright light
    to the opening flower that smells so nice
    back to yellow red and orange that warn you of the coming night
    everyone tucked in bed so tight
    dreaming hoping for a day just right

  4. Up North

    I remember when I went up north
    I was fishing with my grandpa
    I remember I caught three fish in one day.
    For dinner we had corned beef
    with potatoes, salad and chocolate milk
    I remember after dinner we would watch tv
    Sometimes we would watch a movie
    In the morning we would have eggs
    I remember we would put grandma's clothes lines up
    I remember when I caught a BIG walleye
    then I went home and cleaned it

  5. Pocket Full of Bunnies

    I remember beginning
    Little but gigantic
    To the bunnies.
    I remember that the
    Bunnies lived in a hole.
    Those helpless bunnies
    Were so small,soft,
    And super cute.
    They had little ears
    And tiny noses.
    I remember squezzing
    Them to death.
    No, really.
    I remember reaching in
    That hole and pulling
    Out a bunny.
    After that I would
    Stuff them in my pockets.
    I remember my
    Pocket full of bunnies.

  6. Fireflies

    fire fire firefly,
    blinking in the evening sky,
    blinking here and blinking there,
    oh no now you're everywhere!
    Tell my nieghbors and my friends,
    tell them all that I have been,
    treated with the greatest sight,
    of these fireflies tonight.
    Everything is blinking bright,
    in this happy show of light,
    fire fire fire fly,
    blinking in the evening sky.

  7. The Snow Day

    It's windy it's wet my fingers are cold.
    It's winter time.
    I hear the shovel scrape the ground.
    When I hear the plow I run to see how big the snow mounds.
    I run and play and jump around.
    It's a perfect day for sledding.
    Snow flying wind blowing what a rush down the hill.
    Time for hot chocolate, no school today.
    It's a Snow Day!

  8. I See Something

    I see something blue and dark
    something wavy but calm.
    I see something animal filled
    something moonlit and warm.
    I see something powerful
    something enormous.
    I see something cool
    and sometimes warm.
    I see something that is in the air,
    I see ... water!

  9. Myself

    I wish to be as free as the clouds in the sky,
    the grass on the ground.
    I wish I was as beautiful as the meadow, or a colorful painting.
    I wish I was as bright as the sun, or
    a flashlite in the dark.
    I wish I could sing like the birds, or
    swim like a fish.
    I wish, oh I wish I could fly like a plane, or
    like an eagle on high.
    There is only one thing I could never wish above
    I wish to be myself.

  10. Kyle 506 said

    I see Frogs, Frogs Everywhere

    I see Frogs here and there
    I see Frogs everywhere
    Frogs, Frogs by my black bear
    Frogs, Frogs in my brown hair

    Frogs,Frogs by the Mayor
    Frogs,Frogs on my green chair
    Frogs I see next to you and me
    I love Frogs how about you?

    I see many... many...many... FROGS.

  11. I Wish Animals Could Talk
    By Anna 521

    I wish animals could talk and say,
    what they want every day.
    I wish animals could yell and scream,
    for their water and food like ice cream.
    I wish dogs could take a walk,
    and know the way home without a second thought.
    I wish cats would crawl on the couch,
    and stop chasing the big fat mouse.
    I wish animals were as nice as could be,
    so they could stay with me.
    I wish animals knew I was their friend,
    so they will stay here to the end.

  12. By The Farm

    I rememeber sitting on the hay the fresh air whisked thought my hair.I get on the fence like it`s a horse,as I run with the horse,as I play with the pigs in the pen,the chicken house is loud but the sound is peacfully it feels like a sound.

  13. Abbie 522
    I See

    I see black numbers with addition and subtraction signs.My head flowing with math problems.I see clear air diamonds of the basketball hoop as I dribble down the court.I see my fingers and black and white keys as I practice my piano songs.I see darkness as I close my eyes to go to sleep.

  14. I Wish

    I wish I had a bear
    as tall as the sky
    I wish i had a snake
    that loves attention
    I wissh i had ahouse of my oun
    to love and live in forever
    I wish i had a flower as bright as the sun.

  15. The American Flag

    When I see the American flag
    thirteen stripes
    seven red and
    six white
    So brave
    so strong and
    so proud
    The only way I remember is
    the American flag.

  16. The Frogs

    I remember,
    the frogs.
    Hopping around the big murky pond.
    Hopping, swimming, dancing around,
    Most whirling, twirling not making a sound.

    I remember, the frogs,
    and to this day,
    their whirling, and twirling, and hopping away
    still rings in my mind.

    I remember, the frogs,
    hopping around the big murky pond.
    All sploshing and splashing and swimming along,
    still rings in my mind all year long.

    I remember, the frogs.
    Croaking their song while day goes by.

    I remember,
    the frogs,
    and splashing
    all day long.

  17. Yay,a snow day!
    But all this snow!
    I have to shovel it
    before we go.
    As I shovel,
    I hear a crack.
    Something broke
    in my back!
    As I walk,holding my back,
    I hear my mom let out a gasp.
    She says,"You have school today!"
