Thursday, December 10, 2009

Between the Christmas Services

Students are welcome to bring a snack on Friday, December 18 to eat between services. White soda will be provided. Some fruit or a salty or sweet snack might be just right.  If there are any parents interested in providing additional snacks for the whole class, please bring them to the classroom between services.

Class Christmas Party

Our class will be having a small party on the afternoon of Thursday, December 17. Please email me at to let me know if you will be able to provide refreshments or supplies (e.g. paper products, etc) to send along with your child for this party.  We will also need a couple of parent helpers for the party.  Please let me know if you are interested.

November Book It! Results

We had 80% of our fifth grade students complete the 325 minutes of reading for November! As much as we know about the continued practice of reading and how it improves our vocabulary, imagination, general knowledge, and over-all intelligence, why are we not at 100%? Parents, do you want your child to do better in school, learn more, and get more out of reading? Just encourage MORE reading! Let's get 100% for December!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunday's singing

You did a nice job in church yesterday. Thanks for all your hard work, and for using your talents to praise your Lord. Thanks to all the parents who got the kids up early and to church on time.