Monday, January 11, 2010

Fifth Grade English Essays

Click on the comments to this post (lower right) to read English essays submitted by fifth grade students. These poems were written for English class. (Writing Assignment 8)


  1. My Favorite Dogs

    I like three adorable dogs.They are my favorites because I have owned them or will own them in the future. My favorites are Newfoundlands,Chow Chows, and Bovirs.

    My first favorite dog is a Newfoundland. They are excellent swimmers. And they have webbed paws. Newfoundlands are very good with children. When a Newfoundland gets older, it can weigh up to 150 pounds. My second favorite dog is the Chow Chow. The Chows come from China. They look like little teddy bears. My Chow Chow taught me how to walk. My third favorite dog is the Bovir. The Bovir has really curly fur.

    I like all dogs but Newfoundlands, Chow Chows, and Bovirs are my favorite.

  2. Animals

    I like lots of animals but there are three that I like best.Cheetahs, seahorses, and dogs rule! Cheetahs rock. they are fast and spotted cats. Seahorses are cool.They are the smallest and most colorful animals in the sea. Dogs aregreat.They are furry, loyal, and friendly./animals are cool but these are coolest

  3. My favorite Animals

    I like many different animals,but I have three that are my favorite.I enjoy learning and reading about them.

    My favorite animals are snakes,deer,and lions.My first favorite animal is the snake. Snakes live among the bushes and shrubs. My second favorite animal is the deer. Deer spend most of their lives running around the woods. My third favorite animal is the lion. Lions are sneaky animals that have good hiding places to catch food.

    For me learning about animals is fun and exciting. I think snakes, deer, and lions are excellent creatures of God.

  4. My Favorite Animals
    By Anna 521
    Of all the animals there are, three of them are my favorite. My favorite animals are so cool, I try to learn a lot about them. My three favorite animals are chipmunks, polar bears, and lions.

    My first favorite animal is the chipmunk. Chipmunks are so adorable, they gather and bury nuts.My second favorite animal is the polar bear. I find it fasinating how they can survive in cold weather. My third favorite animal is the lion. Lions look so royal.

    I always enjoy learning more about my favorite animals. I like other animals, but chipmunks, polar bear, and lions are my three favorites.

  5. Animals at the Zoo at Home

    I have several animals I enjoy watching or playing with. Some I see at the zoo others at home. There may be tons of animals, but there are three that I like the most. They are giraffes, dogs, and elephants.

    My first favorite animal is the giraffe. Giraffes have long necks they use to reach tree tops to eat. I think a giraffes yellow orange color is very interesting. My second favorite animal is a dog. Dogs are playful and energetic. They are so cute and cuddly. My third favorite animal is an elephant. Elephants have big floppy ears. Elephants ears cool them off and their trunks help them breath under water.

    For me watching or playing with my favorite animals is awesome. There are many animals I enjoy seeing. I think giraffes, dogs, and elephants are the best.

  6. My Favorite Animals
    By, Collin 514
    I have three awesome animals that are my favorite. I try to watch them as much as I can because they are so interesting. Even though I enjoy all kinds of animals, I like gorillas, cheetahs, and leopards the best. My first favorite animal is the gorilla. It is fun to watch them play and protect their territory and they are very strong. My second favorite animal is the cheetah. I like cheetahs because they can run 60 mph and catch a gazelle! My third favorite animal is the leopard. Leopards are so strong, fast, and handsome. For me watching my favorite animals is very exciting. Even though all animals are interesting, I like gorillas, cheetahs, and leopards as my favorites.

  7. Of all the animals in the world these three are my favorite.They are turtle's,lizards,and frogs.My first favorite animal is the turtle.I like them because they are fun to catch.I also like them because they live in the lake i go for the summer.My second favorite animal is the lizard.I like them because some kinds can change color.I also like their long tongs.My second favorite animal is the frog.I like frogs for the way they can jump on lili pads without faling.I also like the way they can swim on top of the water.These three animals are great.Of all the animals these three are my favorite.

  8. I See
    by Abbie 522

    I see black numbers with addition and subtraction signs. My head flowing with math problems. I see clear air diamonds of the basketball hoop as I dribble down the court. I see my fingers and black and white keys as I practice my piano songs. I see darkness as I close my eyes to go to sleep.


    By Ashley 516

    I have several different animalsthat i like.My favorite animals are sea turtles, hores,and poodles.

    My favorite animal isw the sea turtle. Sea turtlesare very interesting animals becuse they are born on land and go in to the sea.Most sea turtles do not make it to the sea becuse of the sea birdseating them.My second favorite animal is the horse.I like horses becuse they like to galup in the feild.They are also very big.My third favorite animal is the poodle.There fur is soft and curly.Poodles are also meduim size dogs.

    I love having three favoriteanimals.They are sea turtles, horses,and poodles.I think these animals are very interesting.

  10. My Favorite Animals

    Of all the animals there are, there three that I like the most.My favorite animals are, the parrot fish, great white shark, and siberian husky.
    My first favorite animal is the parrot fish. I like it because it is colorful and it covers itself with a translucent veil.My second favorite animal is the great white shark. I like it because it is ferocious and it is ine of God's awesome creations. My third favorite animal is the siberian husky. I like it because it is a good partner and it has sea blue eyes.
    These are my favorite animals. Even though they might not be your choice they are mine.
