Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jr Choir Sings

Jr. Choir sings this Sunday, December 12th. We warm up promptly at 7:55 in the MultiPurpose Room. Please have your child there on time. We singing immediately following the bells at 8:15. Thank you for your help!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Christmas Carol


We have been given tickets to attend A Christmas Carol at Wisconsin Lutheran College on Monday, December 13th.  We will depart from school at 11:20. If you are interested in being a chaperone please contact me. Chaperones are being asked to contribute $4 to defray the cost of the bus.  We need three chaperones.   If you have any questions please contact me by email or phone.  Thanks.  

Mr. A 

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sing in Church

Fifth grade sings in church this Sunday, Dec. 5 at the 8:15 service. Practice today went well enough that we do NOT have to meet ahead of time to warm up. Students just need to be in their seats in the balcony by 8:13 a.m.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Lights

Dear Parents,

If any of you have extra sets of working, white Christmas lights that we could use in the fifth grade classroom please send them to school with your son or daughter.  If you're interested in donating some lights please call or email me.


Mr. Albrecht 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sing in Church

Fifth grade is scheduled to sing at the 8:15 service on Sunday, December 5. We are practicing hymn 16 for this. Before I decide to try doing anything fancy, I would like to know how many singers I can count on. Last time we tried playing chimes and had to do some last minute changes because so many couldn't be there. If your child is unable to be there, please send a note ASAP.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Jr Choir Sings On November 7th

The Jr. Choir sings this Sunday, on November 7th, in the 10:45 worship service. We will warm up in the MultiPurpose Room at 10:25. I could use a few parents to help me by sitting in the balcony with the Jr. Choir. Please remember to set your clocks back one hour Saturday night.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

WISCO Field Trip

Just a reminder that the 5th and 6th grade classrooms will be going to WISCO on Friday, October 15th for the marching band concert. This is an outside concert, so please dress your student accordingly.

We will leave around 9:25 and return around 11:15. This should not affect the lunch schedule.

Thank you!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Jr. Choir - Thank You

I would like to thank all the parents who made the extra effort to bring their children to church early for warm-ups and to sing in second service. I feel the song went well. Next time, I will need some help in the balcony with monitoring students' behavior.

God bless your week!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Field Trip to Wisco

On October 15th, the 5th and 6th grade students will be attending the Marching Band Field Show at WISCO.  The show is from 10:00-10:45.  We could use some chaperons.  If you are interested, please let Mr. Albrecht know by this Friday, October 1st.  We need to let WISCO know how many people will be attending.  

Because of limited space on the bus, some chaperons may have to drive.  We will be leaving St. Jacobi at 9:25 am.

Thanks!  Come and enjoy the morning at WISCO!  

Sunday, September 26, 2010


We had a small and nervous group to sing in church on Sunday, but they did well. Thanks to all who made the effort to be there, even Dylan! The ringers also did very well. To God be the glory!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Singing in church

This post is coming from Mrs. Johnson. It is a reminder that fifth grade is scheduled to sing in church next Sunday, September 26 at the 10:45 service. Usually we sing near the beginning, and those who attend early service are allowed to leave after we sing. This time we are singing the closing song, and we are sitting in front, so we need to stay for the whole service. I am also hoping to have some of the students play the hand chimes, so if your child is NOT able to be there for some reason, I need to know ASAP so that I do not schedule them to play.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Field Trip

We are scheduled to visit Indian Summer Education Day – this Friday, September 10, 2010.  We are departing school at 9:30 AM and will return to school at 1:30 pm.  If you are chaperoning please be here by 9:15 am.  

Your child may either bring a lunch (that doesn't need to be kept cold) or money to buy lunch.  If your child brings money for lunch or souvenirs – they do so at their own risk.  St. Jacobi is not responsible for lost or stolen money. 

It looks like we'll have great weather for our field trip!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Day of School

Our first day of school is Tuesday, August 31, 2010.  There will be an opening worship service at 8:30 am in church.  Pray that God would bless our school year.  

Monday, May 17, 2010

Discovery World Field Trip Itinerary & Tips 5/19/10

  • 9:15 AM Board a charter bus @ SJL
  • 9:45 AM Arrive at the Discovery World. Begin at the aquarium area, then proceed as a self-guided tour.
  • 12:00 PM Lunch
  • 12:30 PM Self-guided tour resumes
  • 2:30 PM Board bus for return trip
  • 3:00 PM Return to SJL
Chaperons direct each group of students through Discovery World, staying together at all times. Eat lunch and take breaks at the direction of the chaperons. Groups are welcome to merge into a larger group at the chaperons' discretion.

  • This is an educational school trip. It is also a privilege. All school rules are in effect and will be enforced. Students who misbehave will not join the class on future field trips. At the same time, this trip is meant for students to learn in a less structured environment. Plan for a fun and exciting day!
  • Be sure to bring your lunch in recyclable and/or throw-away containers. (No reusable container unless you want to carry it yourself.)
  • Students will have a question-answer packet to use as a guide and learning tool through Discovery World. 
Our fifth grade parents serving as chaperons are Mrs. Rohleder, Mr. Van Grinsven, Mrs. Burke, and Mrs. Spaude.

    Monday, April 19, 2010

    Field Trip Scheduled for May 19

    Just a quick note to let you know that the 5th & 6th grade field trip has been changed. It will NOT be to the ropes course, but will instead be to Discovery World.

    Date: Wednesday, May 19th
    Time: 9:30 - 3:00

    5th Grade Chaperons:B. Rohleder, M. VanGrinsven, L. Burke, T. Spaude
    6th Grade Chaperons: S. Davidson, E. Olson, B. Otto, M. Williams

    Saturday, March 27, 2010

    Sing to the Lord!

    You all did a nice job praising God in church on Wednesday. Thank you to all the parents for making sure you were able to be there.

    Sunday, March 14, 2010

    Sing in Church

    This is a reminder that fifth grade will be singing in church at the 3:30 service on Wednesday, March 24. We will walk over as a class after school. Please make arrangements to meet your child and/or pick up their belongings.

    This is the last time fifth grade sings alone as a class. I believe the next time they sing is for Ascension, with grades 6-8.

    Thursday, February 25, 2010

    Singing in church, part 2

    Fifth graders did a nice job singing praise to God on Sunday. Special thanks to Anna and Jamie for their awesome musical accompaniment.

    The next time we sing in church is Wednesday, March 24 at the 3:30 service.

    If you are interested, grades for your forensics "assignment" have been posted. I was very impressed with all the presentations, and I look forward to hearing you next year when you do forensics for real. God has blessed you all with many talents!

    Saturday, February 13, 2010

    Singing in Church

    Fifth grade sings in church next Sunday, February 21 at the 10:45 service. Right now the plan is to have them go right to their seats upstairs in the balcony. If for some reason I need them to meet early at school to warm up, I will let them know.

    Monday, January 11, 2010

    Fifth Grade English Essays

    Click on the comments to this post (lower right) to read English essays submitted by fifth grade students. These poems were written for English class. (Writing Assignment 8)

    Sunday, January 10, 2010

    December Book It Results

    Our Book It participation for December took a dip, down from 80% to 64%. As much as we know about the continued practice of reading and how it improves our vocabulary, imagination, general knowledge, and over-all intelligence, let's set our goal at 100%. Parents, do you want your child to do better in school, learn more, and get more out of reading? Just encourage and set aside time for MORE reading!

    Upcoming Unit B Chapter 2 Science Test

    If all goes according to my plan, fifth graders will have a Unit B Chapter 2 science test (take home) on Thursday, January 14. (As you well know, my plans don't always turn into reality as scheduled.) Yes, students should be using their notes, handouts, and textbooks to help them with the test.

    Saturday, January 9, 2010


    As you know, I teach music in fifth grade. I am also in the process of taking over the forensics program at St. Jacobi. In the past, fifth grade has not done forensics. We are not taking part in an actual competition, but I am trying to bridge them to sixth grade, when they will be competing for the first time. Last year, in fourth grade, we touched on it a little bit when they read a picture book to the class. This year I am taking a little time from music to help them get closer to the real thing. Yesterday I gave them an assignment. They are to choose a book that they have read and enjoyed, and prepare a section of it, about 3 minutes long, to read to the class. They also must prepare an introduction that needs to be memorized. Next year, the selections need to be between 3:30 and 4:30 in length, but I don't have that much time with them. This will give them practice choosing a selection, timing themselves, reading with expression, and writing an introduction, which can be one of the most difficult parts. For the month of January, Mrs. Flanagan, from Wisco, will be teaching music on Wednesdays, and I will be using Fridays for the forensics. In addition, Mr. Scharf has giving me permission to submit a reading grade for this, so doing a good job on it will be worthwhile for the students. I am posting this as a reminder to the students and to inform the parents.

    Friday, January 8, 2010

    Fifth Grade Poetry

    Click on the comments to this post (lower right) to read poems submitted by fifth grade students. These poems were written for reading class.

    Monday, January 4, 2010

    Social Studies Ch 6 Test This Week

    The chapter 6 social studies test is scheduled for Thursday, January 7. To help your child prepare for this test, he or she should take the Internet tutorial (Click here for this tutorial.) Printing out and returning or emailing the results page prior to the test will earn students bonus points. Students should also review the work they did in their Interactive Student Notebooks and class handouts to help prepare for the test.

    Christmas Collection for the Almoner's Fund

    Our class collected $174.15 for the Almoner's Fund. Thank you so very much!