Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy "Healthy Lung Month"...Our Second Field Trip

Our second field trip is scheduled for this coming Thursday, Oct. 15 from noon to 2 PM. We will travel with sixth graders to the Children's Health Education Center. Fifth grade students will celebrate Healthy Lung Month by participating in a presentation on the respiratory system. We'll learn the parts of the respiratory system, the respiration process, things that harm the respiratory system, diseases & infections, and how to keep the respiratory system healthy. Students are encouraged to visit to play Double Escape and to learn respiratory system vocabulary in Dive to the Diaphragm in preparation for this trip. We thank our parent chaperons, Kaylee's mom & Matt's mom, for meeting helping us on the trip.

Finally, here's your chance to earn science bonus points through a voki. Here's what to do for bonus:
  • Research the nutrient iron
  • Create a voki comment on my voki
  • Make your voki (avatar) look pretty much like you, use your real voice, and use a background location that could be real
  • Tell what iron does for your body, where it can be found, and list at least three foods that you have in your home that are good sources of iron
The due date for your voki bonus is Friday, Oct. 16. ALL OTHER VOKIS WILL BE DELETED.

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