This month our fifth and sixth graders will be learning about physical and emotional maturation during puberty. The program will be presented on Thursday, November 12 .
Growing Boys (presented to boys) will be held from 12 to 1 PM, and
Growing Girls (presented to girls) is scheduled for 1 -2 PM. Both of these will take place in our multipurpose room. The topics covered will be the anatomy of the reproductive system and changes during puberty, hygiene, and the need for communication with helpful adults.
A trained health educator from Children’s Health Education Center (CHEC), a member of the Children’s Hospital and Health System, will be coming to our school to teach the program. After the completion of the program, your child should be able to:
- Identify a helpful adult to turn to with questions.
- Understand that the changes of puberty are normal and healthy.
- Understand reproductive anatomy (male and female) and its functions.
To find out more about CHEC, visit their web site at CHEC also has a copy of the curriculum. If you would like to speak with a health educator to discuss the content of the program, please call 414-765-9355.
This note is simply a reminder of our school’s role in assisting you in your God-given responsibilities and privileges in raising your child. We have no intention of replacing your one-on-one interaction with your child regarding any of these topics, but this may be a prime opportunity for you to further discuss these items at home.
We feel human growth and development instruction is an important part of your child’s education. This is not a permission slip. However, if you do NOT want your child to participate in the program, please notify us in writing as soon as possible.
We’ve also made arrangements for Mrs. Jean Morzy to present information on personal hygiene to students. Specific topics include hand washing, along with skin, hair, and dental care. This will take place opposite the CHEC presentations from 12 – 2 PM in the sixth grade classroom.
Please contact me if you have any questions.