Thank you to all fifth grade students and their families for a wonderful school year! Let me know if you travel or experience anything that relates to the things we learned in school this year. Have a great summer vacation, but always stay close to the Lord Jesus!
Here's a last minute announcement. (I hate these last minute things.) Students need to bring or wear old shoes. We are joining the sixth graders in our annual Community Clean Up Day, which begins at 12:30PM.
10:00 AM Arrive at the Discovery World. Begin at the aquarium area (divers enter tanks at 10 AM), then proceed as a self-guided tour.
11:30 AM Lunch
12:00 PM Self-guided tour resumes
12:50 PM Meet for film Freshwater
2:00 PM Self-guided tour resumes
2:30 PM Board bus for return trip
3:00 PM Return to SJL
Chaperons direct each group of students through Discovery World, staying together at all times. Eat lunch and take breaks at the direction of the chaperons. Groups are welcome to merge into a larger group at the chaperons' discretion.
This is an educational school trip. It is also a privilege. All school rules are in effect and will be enforced. Students who misbehave will not join the class on future field trips. At the same time, this trip is meant for students to learn in a less structured environment. Plan for a fun and exciting day!
Be sure to bring your lunch in recyclable and/or throw-away containers. (No reusable container unless you want to carry it yourself.)
Students will have a question-answer packet to use as a guide and learning tool through Discovery World.