Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Lights

Dear Parents,

If any of you have extra sets of working, white Christmas lights that we could use in the fifth grade classroom please send them to school with your son or daughter.  If you're interested in donating some lights please call or email me.


Mr. Albrecht 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sing in Church

Fifth grade is scheduled to sing at the 8:15 service on Sunday, December 5. We are practicing hymn 16 for this. Before I decide to try doing anything fancy, I would like to know how many singers I can count on. Last time we tried playing chimes and had to do some last minute changes because so many couldn't be there. If your child is unable to be there, please send a note ASAP.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Jr Choir Sings On November 7th

The Jr. Choir sings this Sunday, on November 7th, in the 10:45 worship service. We will warm up in the MultiPurpose Room at 10:25. I could use a few parents to help me by sitting in the balcony with the Jr. Choir. Please remember to set your clocks back one hour Saturday night.