Thursday, December 18, 2008

Social Studies Bonus Project

Might you have a little extra time over Christmas vacation to work on a bonus project? If so, here's a fun and easy one from our SS book, P277. Make a Model: Imagine that you are taking part in a Fourth of July celebration. Build a model for a parade float that shows an important event of the American Revolution. Use chapters 7 and 8 for event ideas.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Nutcracker Ballet Field Trip on Dec. 12

We have a field trip scheduled for this Friday, December 12 to see the Nutcracker ballet at the PAC with our fourth grade students. We will leave promptly at 10:10 AM. The performance begins at 11:00 AM. We hope to arrive back at school about 1:30 PM.

Students will NOT be able to order hot lunch. Each student should bring a lunch from home that has several parts, so that we can eat some of it just before we go and have the rest when we return. Milk will be ordered in the morning and will be available during our afternoon lunch.

Chaperones who signed up and paid for this trip on registration day are Mrs. Smrz, Mrs. Neils, Mrs. Olson, Mr. Pajot, and Mrs. Kaminski. If you are no longer able to chaperone, please let me know ASAP, since we have a waiting list of others who would be happy to buy your ticket from you. Chaperones should meet us in the front entrance lobby at 10:05 AM.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas Gifts for Others

In Acts 20:35, St. Paul reminds us that “we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”

Traditionally each year at Christmas students exchange names and buy a gift for one an-other. We will not be following that practice this year, but instead we are going to think of those who have real needs. Our children have so many things to be thankful for, blessings too numerous to count. To help them recognize how blessed they are and demonstrate our love for our Savior this year the class will take a collection for the St. Jacobi Almoners’ fund. These gifts are used to help both St. Jacobi members as well as those in need from the community who request help with food, fuel, and the like. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to show Christian love to others during a difficult time in their lives. Your gifts can be brought to school any time through December 15. If you’d like to participate in this collection, your gift should be placed into a sealed envelope clearly labeled something to the effect of “Grade 5 Almoners’ Fund”.

Our collection goal is $150. With your help, we can reach this goal quite easily.

Thank you so very much for supporting the things we do here at school in your home. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Serving the Savior with you,

Mr. Scharf